Important Picture Fraud Notice

Dear Stylish Divas,

We value your trust and loyalty immensely, and we believe it's crucial to keep you informed about a recent situation that has come to our attention. Stylish Diva Boutique has been targeted by deceitful individuals who have stolen our images and videos and used them to scam unsuspecting customers through fraudulent websites and social media sites.

We want to be crystal clear: Stylish Diva Boutique is NOT affiliated with any other company or website. Any use of our pictures or videos for dishonest purposes is unauthorized and completely illegal. 

Your Trust and Safety Matter:

Ensure you're shopping on our official website, Verify the URL and our distinctive logo to confirm authenticity.

 Protect your financial information by using secure payment methods from trusted providers.

 Should you encounter any suspicious websites or have concerns about potential scams, please report them to us at

We are actively taking measures to combat these fraudulent activities and maintain the integrity of the Stylish Diva Boutique brand.

Your trust means the world to us, and we're grateful for your continued support. 

Stay stylish, stay safe, and continue shopping with confidence at Stylish Diva Boutique.

With gratitude and style,


Stylish Diva Boutique